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At the side entrance we have the Little Brother cenote and the Kukulkan cenote.
At the main entrance we can directly access the Dome Room. Here a part of the roof has collapsed under an air dome where divers can surface and admire many beautiful stalactites and some fossils. On the Kukulkan side, on sunny days, we have an incredible light show.
Chac-Mool is one of the caverns that has halocline, that is, where salt and fresh water come together and create visual effects.
With its large rooms and a maximum depth of 12 meters / 36 feet, it is a perfect place for novice cave divers.
Chac-Mool also offers penetration for cave divers. caves, it is in cave diving where we can find the largest underwater stalactite in the world.
Scuba diving, swim, jump for a dive, it´s a cave, tourssi-
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