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When visiting the cenotes LabnaHa will allow you to connect and understand directly with the natural beauty and the Mayan culture.
The Yucatan peninsula is characterized by its great abundance of cenotes, this differentiates it from the rest of the regions of Mexico. The cenotes are beginning to form because Yucatán is composed of a small tectonic plate, which, approximately 65 million years ago, began to rise due to the movement of another larger plate. This caused coral reefs, seashells, and entire marine ecosystems to be out of the water. On the other hand, with the effect of gravity, temperature and rains, limestone stones began to form, a geological characteristic of the soil of the Yucatan peninsula.
Once it rains, the falling water it combines with carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid, which dissolves limestone thus forming caves, underground rivers and later cenotes.
cenote comes from the Mayan Dzonot which means cave with water. For the cosmology of the ancient Mayans, cenotes represented the places where life began. They believed that they had a connection with the underworld, that is why they called them Yibalba (Mayan underworld). In addition, they were the center of communion with the gods.
The Mayans considered the cenotes as a source of life because they provided vital liquid. And in some way they were right, not because they became immortal when drinking the water from the cenotes, but because thanks to their high amount of minerals and calcium, the cenotes were a good source of nutrients that helped prolong the life of the species. .
After years of exploration and underground diving, approximately 12 years ago, Sergio Granucci and his team discovered LabnaHa during an exploration that began inside another cenote 1,200 meters away. After a long time invested in exploration and research, they discovered that LabnaHa connected with 40 other cenotes; They did this by diving each of them. It took them years, as these submerged caves are the longest in the world.
Granucci and his team named this majestic place LabnaHa which means The old temple in the water. The reason for this name is that during the explorations they found submerged remains of the first humans that populated the American continent. They used these caves, which were completely dry, to practice their ceremonies.
By visiting the LabnaHa cenotes you will allow yourself to connect and understand directly with the natural beauty and the Mayan culture. Once inside, you will observe under your feet the totally dark underground caves that seem to be infinite, and a kind of connection with the unknown.
LabnaHa receives approximately 20 people a day since, in addition to trying to avoid as much as possible damage to nature made by humans, try to manage small groups so that you have the same experience that was had when discovering this cenote.
Scuba diving, swim, parque ecologicosi9am a 5pm
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