The complexity of the Cenotes
It is a semi-open type cenote with free fall, its access is through a tunnel or cave through which you descend through a stone staircase and a railing that surrounds the cenote. The hue of the water ranges from blue to slightly greenish, depending on the time of year and the water mirror measures 35 meters long by 25 wide and a maximum depth of 40 meters.
The vault is adorned by colorful stalactites, being a very visited cenote due to its beauty and history. In the upper part adjacent to the street there is a restaurant specialized in Yucatecan food, from whose tables you can see the great vault and the water mirror. It is a place with good conditions to practice swimming. The use of life jackets is recommended, avoiding the use of sunscreen and insect repellants, as well as not throwing garbage into the body of water.
Scuba diving, swim, jump for a dive, --8am - 5pm
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